I'm terrified of you. Yes, you- Director of Photography (DP). Your framing is beautiful, but your lighting could kill me, and my career. I am the Makeup Artist, and I don't believe we've met. In most ...

Can't wait until the 5D or 1D4 versions come out and I get a chance to shoot with real anamorphic lenses. ...

At 10 Feet about 525 Foot Candles Spread over 6 Foot Range - Spot.216 Diffusion, get 10 foot spread and 80 foot candles.Great light, low power, efficient light with full dimmers and DMX connections. ...

An amazing price for a full featured wireless micro-remote, using the iphone or ipod touch as its brains.Send your email to [email protected] to get on the waiting list... WOW LOOKS INSANE!Below ...

Allows a WYSIWIG approach to shooting with strobe LED lights, interesting concept, I guess the advantage is battery life vs using the light continuous. ...

Red Epic 5K being shown, working and recording images at NAB 2010.Ted Schilowitz of Red gets interviewed. ...