New trailer for "The King's Speech", directed by Tom Hooper (John Adams,The Damned United) and shot by Danny Cohen (John Adams,Pirate Radio). Really interesting use of framing (shortsided and headroo ...
He talks about 127 Hours and goes into detail about the way he approached this film with 2 different cinematographers. He goes into great detail about his approach to the film and what he hoped to ac ...
Soviet Montage put together this great demonstration of HDR (high dynamic range) video. Using 2 Canon 5D Mark II's, they used a beam splitter to create video images that previously have only been pos ...
It is always a great deal to know ppls favourite or liking dislikings, at times we like some purk and we forget in a day or two and at time we like and add it to our favourites life long. here are som ...
Check out the first trailer for the independent feature I shot last year, "Xander Cohen".Written and Directed by Javier CalderonCinematography by Sean Conaty ...
Check out Raul Fernandez's footy-work in this clip from a short film he shot: Dig.via Raul: "I had to cram my feet into kid's sneakers to act as the stunt man." ...
The Creators Project is a new network dedicated to the celebration of creativity and culture across media, and around the world. ...